July 5th Yarchei Kallah: Bringing Home the Bacon

Bacon? Ancient warriors? Before-and-after pictures? What is going on here?

The intriguing flyers caught plenty of interest, but it came down to what we do best with our Legal Holiday Yarchei Kallah program: Spirited group study of a Torah topic, with a masterful shiur to tie it all together.

Back to the bacon. Under certain circumstances, the Torah permits the consumption of non-kosher food. This, however, is no free for all. What those circumstances are is the subject of a great debate between two towering giants of Torah, the Rambam (RAM-bam) and the Ramban (Ram-BAN). The Rosh Kollel, Rabbi Gibber, led the assembled through the underlying principles of this debate, and resolved several powerful questions along the way with his own novel insight.

Now we really have your interest. Catch up on the shiur with the audio below, while you follow along with the sources, to be found here.